Repairing table ./silvercity_retail_db/xcart_survey_maillist...23 : Out of resources when opening file './silvercity_retail_db/xcart_survey_maillist.MYD' (Errcode: 24)
Repairing table ./silvercity_retail_db/xcart_images_C...23 : Out of resources when opening file './silvercity_retail_db/xcart_images_C.MYD' (Errcode: 24)
Repairing table ./silvercity_retail_db/xcart_images_C...23 : Out of resources when opening file './silvercity_retail_db/xcart_images_C.MYD' (Errcode: 24)
Repairing table ./silvercity_retail_db/xcart_category_memberships...23 : Out of resources when opening file './silvercity_retail_db/xcart_category_memberships.MYD' (Errcode: 24)

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